On The Nature of Space (S), explores the relationship between matter and the medium in which it sits. On the cover is a portion of the Hubble Deep Field Image circa 2004 depicting galaxies some 72+ billion lightyears distant.
ISBN13: 978-0977229284
ISBN: 0977229289
LCCN: 2009913606
In 1916 Albert Einstein stated that "curvature of spacetime is directly
related to the four-momentum of whatever matter and radiation are
present". It is impossible to discuss Space (S) in the absence of also
discussing matter and radiation. This thesis sprang from a thought
experiment that asked "How can 'nothing' be curved?" The answer On The Nature of Space (S), explores the is
"nothing" cannot be curved because there are no intrinsic reference
frames on which to attach geometry. Consequently the only intrinsic
features of Space (S) are it's empty and inert. This requires
manifestations of curvature to be directly attributed to the matter and
radiation within the Universe and not to the medium of Space (S).
Traditional observations of 'curvature' are treated as a logical system
and a new system of topology describes the physical system. Obviously,
the implications of this are profound. Fundamentally, this observation
shifts attention away from the medium and onto the manifestations of
matter and radiation. It connects physics and chemistry more tightly
demanding that "structures equals properties" flowing the concept to an
intrinsic level. It would demand a continuum of structure through
matter that blends baryionic and dark matter in a manner never before
considered. The blended mechanics of structure yields all of the
particles and radiation found in nature as well as each of the
fundamental forces. There is a potential for it to completely eliminate
the notion of 'dark energy'. Faster than light speed is quantified.
Implications to the age of the Universe & all we can ever see are
profound. And include the reasons for the Big Bang event. This shift in
thinking can indeed manifest itself intrinsically from the quantum
world to that of cosmology and in so doing unify the fundamental forces
of nature.
On The Nature of Space (S) is available now!
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